Air bubble packing

Air bubble wrap is apbliable trasparent plastic material used for packing fragile items. Regularly spaced,
protruding air-filled hemispheres (bubbles) provide cushioning for fragile items

plasmas me flluska

Air bubble wrap 1.2m x 100 ml (linear meter ) = 120 square m

plasmas me flluska

Air bubble wrap 1 m × 100 ml = 100 square m

plasmas me flluska

Air bubble wrap 1m × 50 ml= 50 square m

plasmas me flluska

Air bubble wrap 80 cm × 100 ml = 80 square m

plasmas me flluska

Air bubble wrap 60 cm × 100 ml = 60 square m

plasmas me flluska

Air bubble wrap 30 cm × 100 ml

plasmas me flluska

Air bubble wrap 30cm × 150ml= 45 square m

Plasmas (film)

Packing with air bubble

plasmas me flluska

Packing with air bubble

plasmas me flluska

Packing with air bubble

plasmas me flluska

Packing with air bubble

plasmas me flluska

Packing with air bubble

plasmas me flluska

Packing with air bubble

plasmas me flluska

Packing with air bubble

plasmas me flluska

Packing with air bubble

plasmas me flluska

Packing with air bubble

plasmas me flluska

Packing with air bubble

plasmas me flluska

Packing with air bubble